
Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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Mangystau region, Aktau, 3Б md., 11 bld. 

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Mangystau Polytechnic College of the Municipal Institution of the State Treasury of the Mangistau Regional Department of Education named after H. Uzbekgaliev

Gos symbols

State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The coat of arms is one of the main symbols of the state. The term coat of arms is derived from the German word "erbe" (heritage). Represents a hereditary feature of harmonious forms and objects with symbolic meaning, reflecting the cultural and historical traditions of the state. 

History testifies that the nomads of the Bronze Age inhabiting the territory of modern Kazakhstan later expressed themselves through a special symbol-totem, the graphic concept of which is called "symbol". The term was first used during the reign of the Turkic Khaganate.

The Emblem of Sovereign Kazakhstan was officially adopted in 1992. Its authors are famous architects Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Valikhanov. 

The State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan has a round shape. It is a symbol of life and eternity, which is especially revered by the nomads of the Great Steppe.

The central heraldic element of the state emblem is the image of the shanyrak (the upper dome-shaped part of the yurt) on a blue background. Shanyrak is surrounded by sunbeams. On the right and left sides of the shanyrak there are images of legendary winged horses. At the top there is a large pentagonal star, and at the bottom there is an inscription "Kazakhstan". The image of a star, shanyrak, uyks, winged horses in legends, as well as the inscription "Kazakhstan" are golden. 

Reminiscent of the Blue Dome and one of the main sources of life in the traditional culture of Eurasian nomads, the shanyrak is the main component of the yurt. The image of the shanyrak in the State Emblem of the Republic is a symbol of the common homeland of all peoples living in the country, a single Motherland. Just as the strength and durability of a shanyrak depends on the reliability of all its sleep, happiness in Kazakhstan depends on the well-being of every citizen.

Legendary winged tulpars are a topical heraldic element in the State Emblem. The image of an ancient tulpar symbolizes courage, confidence and willpower. The wing of the horse symbolizes the centuries-old desire of the multinational people of Kazakhstan to build a strong and prosperous state. They are a manifestation of true dreams and aspirations for continuous improvement and creative development. In addition, the golden wings of the horse are reminiscent of the golden corn, symbolizing the diligence of the people of Kazakhstan and the material well-being of the country. 

In past centuries, the horn was actively used in nomadic rituals, as well as to set the battle flag. The symbolism of many peoples has a significant place in the symbolism of the gift of heaven, the good of the earth, the victory of the campaign through the horns of various animals. Therefore, the winged tulpar with horns that bring prosperity is an important typological image with deep semantic and historical roots.

Another detail in the State Emblem of the Republic is a five-pointed star. This symbol has been used by mankind since ancient times, it symbolizes the constant desire of people for the light of truth, all good desires and eternal values. The image of the star on the national emblem reflects the aspiration of Kazakhstanis to become a country that intends to establish cooperation and partnership with all peoples of the world. The hearts and embraces of the people of Kazakhstan are always open to the representatives of the five continents. 

The main color used in the emblem is gold. It is a symbol of wealth, justice and kindness. In addition, the color of the blue flag is combined with the color of gold, reflecting the concepts of open skies, peace and prosperity. 

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30 May 2019

State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The coat of arms is one of the main symbols of the state. The term coat of arms is derived from the German word "erbe" (heritage). Represents a hereditary feature of harmonious forms and objects with symbolic meaning, reflecting the cultural and historical traditions of the state.  History...

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Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі бейнероликтері

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Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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