
Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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Mangystau region, Aktau, 3Б md., 11 bld. 

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Mangystau Polytechnic College of the Municipal Institution of the State Treasury of the Mangistau Regional Department of Education named after H. Uzbekgaliev

Gos symbols

National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The flag is one of the main symbols of the state's sovereignty and unity. The term "flag" is derived from the Dutch word "vlag" and means a fabric of a certain size and color, usually in the form of an emblem or emblem, attached to a pole or string. The flag has long been responsible for uniting the people of the country and bringing it into line with a certain state structure. 

The National Flag of Independent Kazakhstan was officially adopted in 1992. Its author is a famous artist Shaken Niyazbekov.

The National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a rectangular blue fabric with the sun in the center and an eagle soaring under it. The national pattern in the form of a vertical stripe is engraved on the handle of the flag. The image of the sun, its rays, the eagle and the national ornament is golden. The ratio of the width and length of the flag is 1: 2

In the tradition of heraldry, each color represents a certain concept. For example, the color blue symbolizes such qualities as honesty, purity, reliability, and integrity. In addition, the color blue has a deep symbolic meaning in Turkic culture. The ancient Turks called the sky a god, and their blue flag symbolized loyalty to ancestors. While the national flag of Kazakhstan symbolizes the open sky, peace and prosperity, the uniformity of colors symbolizes the integrity of the country. 

According to the principles of heraldry, the sun symbolizes wealth and abundance, life and power. Therefore, the sun on the flag of our country is a symbol of wealth and prosperity - in the form of a golden spike. The image of the sun in the state attributes of Kazakhstan proves that the country respects universal values ​​and demonstrates the creative power of the young state, its openness to all countries of the world for partnership and cooperation.

The image of an eagle is one of the main heraldic attributes used in the emblems and flags of many peoples since ancient times. This image is usually perceived as a symbol of power, prudence and generosity. Soaring under the sun, the eagle symbolizes the power of the state, its sovereignty and independence, the pursuit of lofty goals and a bright future. The image of the eagle has a special place in the worldview of Eurasian nomads and is associated with such concepts as freedom and honesty, dignity and courage, energy and purity of intention. The image of the golden eagle reflects the aspiration of the young sovereign state to the heights of world civilization. 

An important element of it is the national ornaments, which are drawn vertically and longitudinally on the handle of the national flag. Kazakh ornaments are a unique form of artistic perception of the world that meets the aesthetic tastes of the people. Patterns that represent a combination of different shapes and lines are an expressive artistic tool that reveals the inner world of the people. The national ornaments emblazoned on the flagpole symbolize the culture and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan. 

30 May 2019

National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The flag is one of the main symbols of the state's sovereignty and unity. The term "flag" is derived from the Dutch word "vlag" and means a fabric of a certain size and color, usually in the form of an emblem or emblem, attached to a pole or string. The flag has long been responsible for...

30 May 2019

State Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The coat of arms is one of the main symbols of the state. The term coat of arms is derived from the German word "erbe" (heritage). Represents a hereditary feature of harmonious forms and objects with symbolic meaning, reflecting the cultural and historical traditions of the state.  History...

30 May 2019

Қазақстан Республикасының мемлекеттік Әнұраны

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Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі бейнероликтері

Құрметті сайтқа келушілер, Маңғыстау политехникалык колледжінің ресми сайтына қош келдіңіздер! Бұл сайтта сіздер колледждің тыныс-тіршілігімен, жұмыс бағытымен , оқу -тәрбие жұмыстарымен олардың нәтижелерімен таныс бола аласыздар. Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі - беделді, көп салалы, Маңғыстау аймағындағы техникалық және кәсіптік білім беретін оқу орындарының бірі.Қазіргі талаптарға сай кәсіби мамандарды дайындау үшін колледжде барлық мүмкіндіктер жасалған. Колледждің міндеті –кәсіби, жан-жақты, терең білімді, интеллектуалдық деңгейі жоғары ұрпақ дайындау.

Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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