
Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

Contact number:



Mangystau region, Aktau, 3Б md., 11 bld. 

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Mangystau Higher Polytechnic College of the Municipal Institution of the State Treasury of the Mangistau Regional Department of Education named after H. Uzbekgaliev

Young specialist

«ЖАС МАМАН» Project


State enterprise " Mangystau Polytechnic College named after Khalel Uzbekgaliyev» 

 «Жас маман» included in the project


The project "Zhas Maman" was developed in accordance with the instructions of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, given at the opening ceremony of the Year of youth on January 23, 2019.

 "By the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on amendments and additions to the state program for the development of employment and mass entrepreneurship for 2017-2021, the operator of the project" Zhas Maman "" Enbek ""is the holding" "Kasipkor""." 

The goal of the project" Zhas Maman " is to modernize 180 colleges and 20 universities in 100 most popular specialties and introduce international experience in training qualified specialists. 

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: 

- identification of 100 most popular industrial and service specialties by region;

- selection of colleges and universities that train specialists in the Selected Specialties;

- formation of a list of purchased equipment;

-attracting foreign partners to modernize the educational process, train teachers and masters of industrial training, as well as to promote the creation of a training program according to international standards in the declared specialty;

- purchase of equipment for colleges with additional financing (at least 5 at the expense of the local budget%);

- purchase of equipment for higher educational institutions through the leasing mechanism and/or at the expense of higher educational institutions ' own funds. 

As a result of the implementation of the project" Zhas Maman", training organizations will be equipped with modern equipment necessary for the training of specialists in demand at the national and international levels, will become a center of competence for their region in the declared specialty, and will also conduct training of participants of WorldSkills championships. 


On April 23, 2021, in accordance with the instructions of the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, announced at the opening ceremony of the Year of youth, within the framework of the project "Zhas Maman", the Center for competencies "turning and metalworking", "welding" and IT (network and system management, prototyping, Internet of things, Mechatronics, Engineering graphics CAD, Mobile Robotics) was opened in Mangystau Polytechnic College named after Khalel Uzbekgaliyev. 


The event was attended by Deputy akim of Mangystau region Kalmuratova Gulmira Muratovna, representatives of the Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken", the Department of education, partner institutions, Deputies of the maslikhat. 


Deputy akim of Mangystau region Kalmuratova Gulmira Muratovna made a welcoming speech and wished success in the work of competence centers created on the basis of the" Zhas Maman " project. 


Competence centers created on the basis of the college allow us to attract highly trained personnel to the labor market, which meets the best, World Standards and practices and WorldSkills standards. 


The project "Zhas Maman" opens the way for young people to train competitive specialists in demand on the labor market. 


Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі бейнероликтері

Құрметті сайтқа келушілер, Маңғыстау политехникалык колледжінің ресми сайтына қош келдіңіздер! Бұл сайтта сіздер колледждің тыныс-тіршілігімен, жұмыс бағытымен , оқу -тәрбие жұмыстарымен олардың нәтижелерімен таныс бола аласыздар. Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі - беделді, көп салалы, Маңғыстау аймағындағы техникалық және кәсіптік білім беретін оқу орындарының бірі.Қазіргі талаптарға сай кәсіби мамандарды дайындау үшін колледжде барлық мүмкіндіктер жасалған. Колледждің міндеті –кәсіби, жан-жақты, терең білімді, интеллектуалдық деңгейі жоғары ұрпақ дайындау.

Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

© 2025. Mangystau Higher Polytechnic College named after Khalel Uzbekgaliyev
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